Replay : webinaire Fairchain "De l'Agroalimentaire aux Champs : Valoriser les Co-produits pour une Protection Phytosanitaire Durable"
Le projet européen FAIRCHAIN cherche à permettre aux petits et moyens agriculteurs et producteurs alimentaires d'augmenter et d'étendre leur production d'aliments nutritifs grâce à des chaînes de valeur intermédiaires compétitives aux niveaux local et régional. La valorisation des co-produits, issus de l’industrie agroalimentaire, entre pleinement dans ce contexte.

2:00 PM - 2:10 PM - Welcome and introduction
Speaker: Hortense Lejeune - ITAB
Objectives of the webinar and issues related to adding value to by-products for sustainable plant protection use.
2:10 PM - 2:20 PM – Challenges and opportunities in the valorization of food processing byproducts
Speaker: Françoise Gorga – AgriFood Transition Carnot Institute
- Global context of managing by-products from the agri-food industry
- Environmental and economic impacts related to their management and valorization
- Overview of current solutions and opportunities for agriculture
2:20 PM - 2:30 PM – Valorization of plant-based byproducts for plant protection use: potentials of viticultural byproducts
Speaker: Stéphanie Cluzet - Bordeaux University
- Stilbenes: antimicrobial compounds
- Plants and viticultural co-products enriched with these compounds
- Potential applications and benefits of these extracts, including experiments (in greenhouse and field conditions)
- Challenges to overcome.
2:30 PM - 2:40 PM - Focus on basic substances: definition and regulatory context
Speaker: Hortense Lejeune - ITAB
- Definition of basic substances under European regulations (Regulation EC 1107/2009).
- Examples of basic substances derived from agri-food co-products (vinegar, sugar, beer, etc.).
- Preparation methods and composition of basic substances.
- Process for approving basic substances.
2:40 PM - 2:50 PM – Antifungal properties of whey obtained after fermentation of symbiotic cultures from Kombucha: A new solution for plant bioprotection ?
Speaker: Hélène Tormo - INP Purpan
- Advantages of mixed fermentations of the "Kombucha" type for the production of antimicrobial compounds
- Antifungal capabilities of whey fermented with symbiotic Kombucha Cultures : Applications to contaminating fungal species of plants
- Prospects for plant bioprotection
2:50 PM - 3:10 PM - Case study: valorization of vinegar as a basic substance
Speakers: Processors
- 2:50 PM - 3:00 PM: Clément Gindrat-Keller from Cogiterre and Grangeneuve: Vinegar valorization for disinfection
- 3:00 PM - 3:10 PM: Sophie Delima-Nicolay from Charbonneaux Brabant: Vinegar valorization for herbicide uses and pH regulator
3:10 PM - 3:25 PM – Q&A session
Interactive session answering participants' questions.
3:25 PM - 3:30 PM - Conclusion and closing
Speaker: Hortense Lejeune – ITAB
Summary of key points, reminder of available resources, perspectives.